This Time

salah satu lagu dalam film August Rush.
aku bercerita padamu. film ini layak kamu tonton.
waktu kan menjawab. bersabar ya anak manja.

Tonight the sky above
Reminds me how to love
Walking through wintertime, the stars all shine
The angel on the stairs
Will tell you I was there
Under the front porch light
On the mistery night

I’ve been sitting, watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back
Could I get you off my mind
This time

The neon lights and bars
And headlights from the cars
Started a symphony surrounding me
The things I left behind
Have melted in my mind
And now there’s a purity inside of me
(Jonathan Rhys Meyers)
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